Contact: Zina L. Carter
Claudia Schultz pulls back a covering revealing a plaque dedicated in honor of her late husband, Alvin, while Wharton County Junior College President Betty McCrohan looks on during a recent tree dedication cere...
Contact: Zina L. Carter
Danny Terronez, Wharton County Junior College‚s Security and Public Safety Director, demonstrates the college‚s radio system, which allows department offices to communicate directly with security in the event of...
Contact: Zina L. Carter
Wharton County Junior College Band students rehearse for their upcoming show, We Got the Funk, scheduled for 7 p.m.
Contact: Zina L. Carter
Wharton resident Shirley Cook, left, is excited about the educational opportunities her daughter, Zeta Smith, right, will receive through the Realizing Our Academic Reward (ROAR) Academy.
Contact: Zina L. Carter
Wharton County Junior College catcher Branson Audette of Katy prepares to tag out a runner at home plate during the Pioneers‚ game against the Baton Rouge Community College Bears on Monday afternoon.
Contact: Zina L. Carter
Wharton County Junior College Choir student Kathlyn Rek of El Campo responds to Choir Director Kevin Klotz‚s direction during a rehearsal for the upcoming concert, I Hear America Singing.
Contact: Zina L. Carter
Wharton County Junior College Police Academy cadet Nicholas Saldarriaga of Sugar Land attempts to maneuver a golf cart through an obstacle course while wearing "Fatal Vision" goggles.
Contact: Zina L. Carter
Wharton County Junior College Band student Jonothan Farley of Wallis rehearses for the upcoming concert, Keep on Truckin‚ to the 70s.