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The WCJC library is home to thousands of resources across various types of media, including books, digital assets, periodicals, and more. If you're looking for something specific to give your next research project a boost, you can find it with a quick library search.

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Books. Databases. Research guides. And more! The WCJC has a plethora of resources available to help you succeed inside and outside the classroom.
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All About Circulation

The Rules

You can request up to eight books or other materials from any one of the campus libraries or affiliated institutions.  
Students can check out books for up to two weeks. You can renew your item one time unless the item is on hold. 

Late Fees

Students and employees will not be charged late fees for materials returned after the due date. Those who are not students or faculty will be charged a late fee of $0.25 each day the materials are overdue  The cost of lost or damaged materials is calculated by the amount the library will have to spend to replace the item(s). Any unpaid fines or unreturned items at the end of a semester will cause a hold on that student's grades.
Image of a Library and Tables

Can't find what you're looking for?

Narrow Your Search

Looking for a specific book title from 1962? Or a microfilm from 1954? Maybe you're searching for a DVD that hasn't hit the streaming services yet. Use these resources to find exactly what you're on the hunt for - and much more.

All WCJC students and faculty have 24/7 access to full-text ebooks and articles. You can access e-books through any of our e-book databases. Click on the A-Z list, filter by database type and choose e-books. For help setting up an EBSCO account or downloading ebooks, read these instructions

The WCJC houses the full DVD collection of Wharton County's Historical Commission Oral History Programs. This collection comprises videos of formal and informal interviews, personal and family experiences, events, and more from the county's past.

To access the oral history collection, contact the library at or 979-532-6509. 

View the complete Oral History collection.

Cooperative Agreements

With a student ID in hand, you can use the WCJC library to open up new doors to other databases, institutions, and research tools. Learn about our affiliated programs below.

TexShare Card

As a participant in TexShare programs, the WCJC libraries issue TexShare cards to patrons upon request. With this card, you can borrow materials from any other library in the system.
Can't find what you're looking for at a WCJC library? Head to the library to pick up your Fort Bend County Library card, and access services and resources at the library's collections and online databases.
All WCJC students and faculty also have access to resources and collections at the Bay City Public Library. Grab a card at the WCJC library to start your research at Bay City.