A WINNING STORY - WCJC's Hutchison takes home book award

August 28, 2019

WHARTON, TEXAS – Wharton County Junior College history instructor Brady Lee Hutchison recently won an award for his first novel, “So Others May Live.”

Written under the pen name Lee Hutch, the novel took home the “Adventure: War and Military” category of the American Fiction Awards, an annual online contest sponsored by the American Book Fest. The awards are open to various genres of works from mainstream, self-published and independent writers.

Hutchison’s book follows the adventures of a British bomber pilot as well as a German firefighter during World War II. Before becoming a full-time member of the WCJC faculty, Hutchison spent a decade as a firefighter and arson investigator. He has taught at WCJC since 2013.

“So Others May Live” is available in paperback, e-book and hardcover from Amazon and other online retailers.
