July 18, 2019
2019 – 2020 TenarisBayCity Scholarship 
Manufacturing Technology Program 
Manufacturing Technology Application Packet 

TenarisBayCity is offering scholarships to students who are declaring Manufacturing Technology as their major and who are pursing the Associate of Applied Science degree in Manufacturing Technology or the one-year Mechanical Technician Certificate. 

Funding is designed to assist with expenses that include tuition, college fees and course fees over the length of the program as long as the required 2.5 GPA is met. 

Criteria for the scholarship program are as follows: 

1. Students must have applied to WCJC and declared their major in Manufacturing Technology with the intent to pursue the Associate of Applied Science Degree or the Mechanical Technician Certificate offered in that major.

2. Students will have completed a FAFSA.

3. Students will be awarded funding to cover their coursework in their initial semester of the program; however, subsequent awards under the scholarship will be contingent upon maintaining a minimum GPA of 2.5 in the major and not failing any course in the major.

4. Subsequent semester funding will be contingent upon maintaining the GPA as specified in #3 and upon maintaining continuous enrollment in the program. Specifically, if the student withdraws from any of the coursework in the certificate or associate program, any remaining balance of the scholarship will be forfeit.

5. In order to receive the scholarship, students must be enrolled in the first semester coursework for Manufacturing Technology as outlined in the program plan. Students that have completed the approved Manufacturing Technology program courses and would like to apply for the scholarship toward completion of the remaining Manufacturing Technology AAS Degree program requirements may also apply. 

Scholarship Packet Checklist:
A completed TenarisBayCity Scholarship Application. 
Typed answers to the statements and questions. 
☐High School or previous college transcripts if you are not a current WCJC student. If you are a current WCJC student, these transcripts should be on file with WCJC. 
☐Completed FAFSA or print out showing FAFSA was submitted. 
☐Completed student schedule showing enrollment in the first semester of Manufacturing Technology courses. 
☐Completed Tenaris Application for Employment if interested in pursuing a career at TenarisBayCity. ☐Attach a resume if you have one.
☐Applications should be hand-delivered or mailed to: 

ATTN: TenarisBayCity Scholarship – Manufacturing Technology WCJC Bay City Campus
4000 Ave. F, Suite B
Bay City, TX 77414 

Application Deadline: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 

2019 – 2020 TenarisBayCity Scholarship 
Manufacturing Technology Program 
Manufacturing Technology Application Packet 

Name: _____________________________________________________

                       First                   Middle                 Last

Current Address: 


               Number/Street            City              State            Zip 

Phone Number: ____________________Date of Birth: _______________

Student Status: ☐New       ☐Current

College Major: _______________________________________________

Associate of Applied Science or Mechanical Certificate Program 

(circle one) 

If Associate of Applied Science, select Track:
Track A: Mechanical Technician
Track B: Electrical Technician
Track C: Instrumentation & Control Technician 

GPA: __________

Number of hours per semester you will be enrolled: Fall____ Spring____

Do you need financial assistance to attend WCJC: Yes No 

Please type responses to the following statements / questions on a separate document. 

1) Write a brief statement outlining your education and career goals. 2) Summarize special skills and training, if any. 

3) List any activities you are involved in and /or special awards or recognition you have received. 

4) Why did you select Manufacturing Technology as your major? 5) What would the TenarisBayCity Scholarship mean to you? 

Student’s Signature: ____________________________ Date:___________

No person shall be excluded from participation, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity sponsored by Wharton County Junior College on any basis prohibited by applicable law, included but not limited to: race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status, or handicap