Find all the information you need to register for classes at WCJC. Contact the Registrar's Office (979-532-6303; with any questions about course registration, class schedules, or drop/withdrawal information.
Transcripts can be ordered through WCJC's partner, Parchment Exchange. Once your order is complete, you will be sent an email with confirmation of receipt and tracking information.
Students with a hold on their account are not able to request an official transcript. All outstanding holds, including late payments, must be removed prior to ordering an official transcript.
There is a $10.00 processing charge for each transcript requested. Transcripts sent via USPS will be charged an additional $2.50 for shipping.
Students Who Attended WCJC Prior to 1981
If you attended WCJC prior to 1981, contact the Office of the Registrar ( to order an official transcript.
We’re here to help you with all of your admission and registration needs. If you have any questions, please contact us at:
Phone: 979-532-6303